Welcome to My Agility Page

Haley, NGC   

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We've FINALLY done it!!
We got a title!!

Baily and Haley (and Julene and Rob) with all of their ribbons from St. Louis

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If you've been here before, you know who I am. If you haven't, let me give you a brief introduction. My name is Haley and I am a "Doberman Retriever." I have been doing agility for almost 2 years now with my partner Rob. I'm almost 3 years old (although I still act like a puppy), and I run really fast. I LOVE agility. If you want to see how Rob found me, you can find that story here.

After 2 years of trying, Rob and I finally earned our first title in agility. I am now Haley, Novice Gamblers Clas (NGC for short). That's a picture of me up there with my ribbon I won that got me the my title.

cow.jpg (30915 bytes) This is on of my favorite jumps of all time.
Here's a great Dobe who was also at the same trial with me. Tori (and handler Connie Appling) is from Iowa and I hope we meet up again. tori.jpg (15275 bytes)

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Want to see some other great agility pages and dog links? Check out these:

  • Clean Run - Great Agility Stuff. Premiere magazine for Agility

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